Choosing Lace Front Wigs Shouldn’t Confuse You Anymore: A Look At Everything That Revolves Around These Wigs

    Buying wigs can be a tedious task if you don’t know what your requirements are. Yes, there are varieties of wigs out there depending on their style, texture, and lace. However, if you are someone who has already made the choice for lace front wigs and are still confused, then let me tell you there are different types of lace front wigs available. So before you invest in anyone, make sure you pick the one that works well for you. But there are terms that can confuse you while you are out to purchase your favorite wig.  So before knowing which type would suit you the best, it is important to learn about various terms associated with lace front wigs, which will make your shopping easier.


    In the world of lace front wigs, there are terms like full lace wigs, monofilament lace wig caps, ear to ear stretch lace etc that can leave you confused and lost. In such a scenario, having knowledge of different terms and terminologies related to the various type of lace front wigs can help you get out of the confusion with ease. Yes, you won’t have a hard time finding what you are looking for if you have the knowledge of these terms.

    So here’s the list of terms that you would need, to decide on your next hairpiece from the lace front wigs Canada collection.

    • Lace Wig: A general term for any wig that comes with lace. It largely contributes in imparting a natural hair appearance around the hairline or throughout the scalp. These wigs have been commonly used in Hollywood and in the hair industry. Today, they are accessible to anyone.

    • Lace Wig Hair Direction: Well, lace wigs come in two directions. First, Freestyle; as the name suggests it can be worn in any style including backward as there’s nothing to restrict your styling ability. Second, Defined-part; this means the hair are knotted in certain directions and you have to style them accordingly.

    • Lace Front Wig: This wig comes with lace within the first few inches of the hairline, which adds to the natural appearance of the wearer. In some type of lace front wigs, lace can be seen near the nape of the neck too. However, in traditional lace front wigs, there’s lace in front only.
    • Lace Frontal: Though entirely different from lace front wigs, people usually get confused between the two because of similar names. A lace frontal is not a full wig but a partial unit that starts from the hairline and continues three to five inches back before the crown of the head.

    • French Lace: It is a fine mesh lace material used as a base for lace wigs, which is completely undetectable and more durable than Swiss lace.

    • Swiss Lace:  As compared to French lace, this one has a finer mesh lace material, is more delicate and more undetectable.

    • Bleached Knots: These are actually bleached hair knots that have been crafted to create an illusion that hair grows out of the wearer’s scalp.

    Apart from the above-discussed terms, there are some more terms associated with lace front wigs that cover single and double knots, thin skin, nape, custom lace, monofilament cap and so on. Familiarity with all these terms will help you make the right purchase. Just learn them by heart before you plan to buy your next lace front wig. For, buying wigs is not just about picking your favorite hairstyle but picking a wig that will last longer and is comfortable to wear.

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