Tips for Making Your Human Hair Wigs Last Long

    For many people, human hair wig is one of the important aspect. They pick up Wigs for sale to avoid hair loss, bad haircuts, alopecia, and bald spots. Hence it is one of the primary requirement for us that the Wig should last long. When it comes to wigs for women,you have an option to restyle, color, and even cut your Wig as per your requirements. Whether you buy Wigs for the purpose of fashion, hair loss, or any other reason, it is essential that we take care of the Wig to prolong its life and make it a worthy investment. Now let us look as how we can properly take care of our Wigs so that its last longer:-


    1)    Preparation of wigs:

    • Wig should be put on the Wig stand.
    • The fingers should spread hair bundles.
    • Brush the wig using the finger.
    • Do not touch the cap of the wig

    2)    Wig washing:

    When it comes to washing the wig, you would not believe that it is as easy as washing your normal hair. Most wigs come with the manufacturer Wig Guide on how to properly clean the wig. Here is the basic direction on how we can wash our wig:-

    • You need to fill the bowl with lukewarm water.
    • Put the Wig in the Luke water and wash it using baby shampoo.
    • Always use a wide tooth comb to separate the shampoo from the hair.
    • Rinse the hair thoroughly by pouring lukewarm water on the hair until entire shampoo is washed away.
    • Pat the Human Hair Wigs using the towel to get rid of the excess water.
    • Now comb the wing and then put it on the special wig stand to make it completely dry before wearing it.

    Wig nourishment:

    You can use hair balsam if you wish to have a shiny and silky Human Hair Wigs. Additionally use of a Hair conditioner can also be effective if you want to have a silky hair.

    Wig protection and holding:

    • Always hold the wig far away from the heating devices and other temperature sources.
    • If you wear the wig regularly, then make a practice of keeping it on the wig stand.
    • If you wear the wig rarely, dry the wig completely and keep it in a box.

    Tips for getting natural look with wigs:

    When buying the hair wig keep in the mind that only those Wig should be bought that gives u a natural look rather than buying as per the brand name.Here are few tips through which you can look natural while wearing a wig:-

    • Rooted colors give your Wigs Measurement and a natural look for your hair
    • Lace front gives virtual natural hairline
    • Monofilament is same as the lace front.
    • Always use the heat from your hand to style the wig
    • Place your wig in the right position to give the illusion of original hair
    • The most favorite trick is blending the wig with your own hair.

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